Forecast Weather for EGSS London Stansted on Thursday 13th March 2025 


Thursday Forecast:
Temp (°C) High: 7 Low: -1
Wind Speed (m/s): 4 Gust: 8 Direction: 0° N
Humidity: 72% Rainfall: 0.63 (mm) Visibility: 10
Forecast: Variable clouds, chilly; a p.m. shower

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Friday Forecast:
Temp (°C) High: 8 Low: 0
Wind Speed (m/s): 3 Gust: 7 Direction: 0° N
Humidity: 71% Rainfall: 1.27 (mm) Visibility: 9
Forecast: Some sun with a shower in the afternoon

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Saturday Forecast:
Temp (°C) High: 8 Low: -1
Wind Speed (m/s): 4 Gust: 7 Direction: 23° NNE
Humidity: 68% Rainfall: 0.00 (mm) Visibility: 9
Forecast: Chilly; increasing clouds, then cloudy

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Sunday Forecast:
Temp (°C) High: 8 Low: -1
Wind Speed (m/s): 4 Gust: 6 Direction: 23° NNE
Humidity: 67% Rainfall: 0.00 (mm) Visibility: 9
Forecast: Times of clouds and sun

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Monday Forecast:
Temp (°C) High: 13 Low: 3
Wind Speed (m/s): 3 Gust: 8 Direction: 0° N
Humidity: 74% Rainfall: 1.35 (mm) Visibility: 3
Forecast: Overcast, showers around in the p.m.

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Wind between 2 and 10 mph
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