Current Weather for EGSS London Stansted  Issue Date: 26th 00:35 UTC

Wind direction: 0, N
Wind SpeedConditionsWind Gust
Wind speed: 1.94, ms
Wind gust: 1.94, ms
Temp out: 9.00, C
Temp dew: 9.00, C
Humidity: 100%
Visibility: 1.00 Miles
Cloud Base
Map type: Wind Weather
Map style: BlueTerrain
Zoom: InOut
Wednesday Forecast:
Wind:2 msSE
Temp:5 to 16C
Rainfall:0.00 mmViz: 6
Partly sunny; areas of fog early
Show Wednesday's Map
Thursday Forecast:
Wind:4 msWSW
Temp:8 to 16C
Rainfall:0.00 mmViz: 10
Comfortable with partial sunshine
Show Thursday's Map
Friday Forecast:
Wind:11 msW
Temp:3 to 12C
Rainfall:2.34 mmViz: 9
Periods of sun, showers around; breezy
Show Friday's Map

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